Lesson 4: Energetic Rights

Lesson 4: Energetic Rights

As a human being, you have free will, and energetic rights. You have the right to choose how you direct, and express your own energy as long as it is not harmful to others. Just as you have free will, so does everyone else. You do not have the right to impose your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, emotions, wants, or desires onto others. You do not have the right to manipulate, or intimidate others into compliance, or agreement, either.  These types of actions, and behaviors will result in karmic repercussions as a means of teaching you that you can not control others by force. 

Basic Energetic Rights of All Humans

  1. I have the right to choose how, and where I direct my energy. I have the right to set my own priorities, and choose how I want to live, as long as it does not intentionally harm others.
  2. I have the right to take care of myself, and protect myself from being threatened physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically.
  3. I have the right to express my own feelings, opinions, and desires.
  4. I have the right to be treated respectfully at all times.
  5. I have the right to create my own version of a happy, and healthy life.


Balancing Energetic Independence & Leadership 

Sometimes we will need to step up, and be the leader, and sometimes, we will need to put our egos aside, and follow the leader, without insult, or complaint. Being able to set a positive example as "a follower," when necessary, is in fact an extremely important leadership skill.  You will not always be the top dog "in charge," and you need to be ok with that, remembering that you can lead by example at all times, and in all situations. Being a leader is hard. When someone else is tapped with taking on the challenge (whether a captain, coach, parent, teacher, boss, etc), gaining influence with them is easier done by becoming their ally, rather than their enemy. 


Think on it

There is a difference between leadership, and dictatorship. Power abuses can be found at all level, and in all types of relationships, business and personal. As we focus on understanding energetic independence, and personal sovereignty, think of where you may be being imposed upon, and controlled via manipulation, or seduction tactics. Then, think on where you may be imposing your thoughts, beliefs, wants, and desires onto others, as well. Write it down. 

Power, and control corrupt most people. We do not want to be most. Make adjustments to eliminate power abuses where you see necessary in order to stand in your energetic independence. While you should set firm boundaries to protect yourself against power abusers, we should never be hostile, or retaliatory towards them. Control your emotions. Control the energy. Control the game.



NEXT: Lesson 5: Superstition & Curses






Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Ascension Glossary. (n.d.). 

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