Where to Start

Welcome to Energetic Athletics. 

I'm glad you're here. Are you ready to take your game to the next level? 

First, things first.


What is Energetic Athletics?

Energetic Athletics is a self-study resource for athletes, coaches, and fans. No matter the sport, whether you are a professional, student athlete, or a casual player, here, you’ll find material that can teach you how to use Energy Management to enhance your personal wellness, and performance. 

The principles of Energy Management can be applied to any sort of activity, competition, or performance, whether on a type of playing field, or stage. Even virtual gamers can benefit from the tools learned here. 

As you begin factoring Energy Management into your game plan, you will naturally see how to apply the same principles to all areas of the game of life.


What is Energy Management?

Energy Management involves the active monitoring of your own personal energy. Everything we do, think, and interact with either costs, or builds up our energy. By becoming self-aware, and responsible for the quality of your own energetic input, and output, you can gain greater control over your health, and potential as an athlete. 

Energy Management will also teach you how to use your personal energy to protect yourself against unnatural errors, flubs, injury, and slumps.


Who Am I

My name is Mallory Kennedy. I have worked in, and around sports most of my life, including as a writer, and a documentary filmmaker. I also study energy. Growing up in South Louisiana, surrounded by ghost stories, voodoo dolls, cajun and creole magic, the world of energy was always closely intertwined with everyday life. As a child, I saw energy in action nearly everyday. This was my normal. One of the first places I began witnessing really big, “miracle-making” energy was on the football field at LSU. Hail Mary, indeed. For me, and millions of other Tiger fans, miracles happen often. –usually on a Saturday Night. Maybe the high humidity works in our favor, but energetic power is as real, and thick as roux, here. However, I understand that's not necessarily the norm for everyone. Depending upon your location, and the culture you grew up in, magic-like energy may have only existed in fairytales, or Disney movies for you, until now. Thus, I invite you to please keep an open mind as we slowly wade into the wondrous world of energy, while also remembering that upper echelon athletes get a leg up by being willing to try new things. Successful athletes are teachable, and results based. Even when the information may seem bizarre, or unorthodox, top-tier athletes know being open to outside knowledge is what leads to reaching greater heights. By becoming familiar with energy, you can learn how to increase your level of performance, success rate, and physical health, starting right now. 


A few things to know as we begin:

  • Energetic Athletics is a self-study resource. This means you alone are responsible for your own development. Self accountability, and responsibility are required for performing successful Energy Management. 
  • Energetic Athletics will never encroach upon a person's traditional religious beliefs. Energy principles, and religious principles can, and do co-exist. Oftentimes, they even share the same core life philosophies, and values. All non-harmful, spiritual beliefs are welcome, and respected, here. For more information on how energy and religious values work together, please read Energetic Athletics for Christians
  • A majority of the material here will be text, and audio based. This is on purpose. Just as our muscles are enlarged, and strengthened with exercise, so is our brain, specifically the hippocampus. When we read, or listen to a story without visual accompaniment, our brain is forced to create its own pictures through the use of imagination. This stimulates the brain, and encourages growth, and strengthening of the hippocampus. The stronger our hippocampus becomes, the more powerful we become energetically, and our ability to control the game increases. We will go into greater detail of how this works in the future, but for now, understand that reading, and listening to audios will help you develop your energetic abilities more quickly.
  • Material will be repeated. Repetition enhances the retention of information over time, helping us hold onto what we have learned. By revisiting and reviewing material multiple times, we better commit information into long-term memory, increasing our likelihood of remembering it accurately in the future. Concepts, and ideas often require multiple re-visits to develop a deeper understanding. Repetition allows us to gain new insights, building clarity and a more comprehensive understanding overall. As practice makes perfect, repetition is key to achieving mastery in any field. By revisiting information continually, you will become more comfortable, and efficient, leading to increased accuracy, and confidence when conducting Energy Management for yourself. Continuous repetition helps us internalize knowledge, and skills so they become second nature.
  • As we focus on strengthening the brain, we also focus on growing the intellect. To that goal, the material you find here may be simplified, but it will not be dumbed downed. You will be challenged to expand your mind, and thinking processes. If you come across a word, or concept that you are unfamiliar with, take it upon yourself to look it up. 
  • Journaling is highly suggested. Keeping track of your own experiences over the course of your learning will help you track your own progress, and identify patterns that may be beneficial to you in the future. Do your future-self a favor, and keep a journal even if you only write down the main bullet points, or keywords of the day. It does not have to be detailed to be useful.

Energetic Athletics is not for average athletes, so thank you for being here. If you're ready to begin enhancing your abilities, lets get started. 

Control the energy. Control the game. 



NEXT: Lesson 1: Intro to Energy