Energetic Athletics for Christians

Energetic Athletics for Christians

And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light. Genesis 1:3

From time to time, when I start talking openly about energy, Christians, and individuals who hold traditional religious values can have a tendency to shy away, fearing that energy work is tied to the occult, witchcraft, or the devil. Having grown up in the Baptist church myself, I certainly understand why a person may be apprehensive about engaging in anything that could be perceived as spiritually risky. 

Especially here in the West, many associate energy practices with magic or supernatural forces beyond their control, which can seem scary, evil, and incompatible with the teachings of traditional religions, and the Bible. However, it’s important to note that energy work—whether it be meditation, light therapy, acupuncture, homeopathy, or any other type of alternative healing modality– is not inherently tied to occult practices. Energy is not evil. Everything is energy. –even you. And you’re not evil, right?

Energy is something that we all, knowingly or unknowingly, interact with every day. Everything in the universe including matter, light, thoughts, emotions, and even spiritual experiences can be understood as a form of energy. All energy is connected, and in a constant state of vibration, movement, and flow. –from the cells in our bodies to the stars in the sky. This view of the universe as an interconnected network of energy is not only a foundational concept in modern physics, but it also aligns with spiritual traditions that see the world as a dynamic interplay of energies made by a divine creator.

Energy, in its purest form, is neutral. It is neither inherently good nor evil. It is a tool, a resource, and a force that can be shaped and directed based on our intentions and actions. The way we choose to interact with energy either leads to healing, growth, and connection, or if misdirected, will cause harm and disruption. The key lies in the intention behind how the energy is used. 

Energy, in its healing form, is meant to promote balance, restoration, and alignment with the natural flow of life. It helps clear blockages, release old emotional wounds, and support the body’s self-healing abilities. When done with positive intentions, Energy Management can be a powerful and transformative tool for personal growth and well-being that nurtures your faith and spiritual development.

Energy Management and God

Energetic Athletics will never encroach upon a person's traditional religious beliefs. Energy principles and religious principles can, and do co-exist. Oftentimes, they even share the same core life philosophies, and values. All non-harmful, spiritual beliefs are welcome and respected, here.

Energy Athletics methodology focuses on the natural flow of energy within the body and aims to promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being. These practices are rooted in a holistic view of health and the connection between body, mind, and spirit. This includes our relationship with God. 

Light is the first emanation of God. Using the light of God, Energy Management will help you enhance the flow of Godforce energy within your own body. This light can be used to bless the body, enhance your healing abilities, and help you reach your highest potential.

Sportsmanship, and the virtues of Christ are at the heart of all Energetic Athletics material, as the principles we choose to live by, including our personal standard of behavior, does have an effect on our health, and performance. Practicing sportsmanship as a personal moral code is conducting active Energy Management. 

As you learn to manage your energy, your intuition will also grow stronger. Your intuition is a spiritual gift, and tool. By developing and strengthening it, we can avoid making disastrous decisions and entering into harmful relationships.

As a believer, Energy Management techniques can be used to support your faith and spiritual practice by fostering inner peace, restoring balance, and amplifying the power of prayer through developing a stronger, more direct connection to God.

May your journey be blessed, and fruitful.


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