Lesson 1: Intro to Energy
Setting a Firm Foundation
Energetic Athletics is a self-study resource for athletes, coaches, and fans who want to learn how to use Energy Management to enhance their own personal wellness, and performance. By learning, and applying energetic concepts to the way you practice, and compete, you can learn how to manage, and direct your own energy, while safeguarding yourself from unnatural errors, injury, and losses.
Learning a New Language
When we are first learning about energy it can feel a lot like learning a new language. In the beginning, if the rules, and concepts don't make sense to your logical brain, don’t worry. That’s ok. Don't get hung up on the science, or theory behind how, and why it works, for now. Just know that it does. In the same way that you don't need to know, or understand all the intricate inner workings of a car’s engine to be able to drive it, you only need to understand five basic core energy concepts to begin successfully practicing Energy Management.
These five core concepts will serve as the foundation for advancing your abilities:
Core Concept #1
Everything is made of energy.
People, places, things–. Everything around us is made up of energy. Some energy can be seen, and some goes unseen. Seen energy is organized into physical things that you can touch, like grass, a bird, ballet slippers, or a basketball. Unseen energy includes static electricity, magnetism, gravity, or the wind. Remember, just because you can’t see it with your physical eyes does not mean the energy isn't there.
Thoughts, and ideas are made of energy, too. We are likely all familiar with the adage that thoughts are things. –and they are. Thoughts, and ideas are as real as any physical item, or person. They hold energy, and are powerful enough to shape reality. In actuality, thoughts, and ideas are so full of energy that what we say, think, and write affects everyone around us, not only ourselves. While they can be helpful, like blessings, they can also be harmful, as with curses.
Core Concept #2
You have both a physical body, and an energetic body.
While our physical body is made of seen energy, and visible to the naked eye, our energetic body remains unseen to most people. Many refer to this as the human energy field, aura, or lightbody. Although it goes unseen by our eyes, our physical, and energetic bodies are intricately connected. Each affects the health, and performance of the other.

“Your body is a temple.” Your physical, and energetic body are two parts of one structure. Just like a house, this structure must be maintained. If the structure is weak, we are much more susceptible to errors, and injury during gameplay. However, it is possible to learn how to sense, strengthen, and fortify your energetic body in order to build, and repair your structure. With practice, your energetic “house” can naturally repel harmful forces, just like a fortress, or castle defends itself against an enemy.
Core Concept #3
All energy takes on either a high, or low quality of vibrational frequency.
As energy is all around us, and everything is made up of energy, there are also different qualities of energy which we usually simplify as being “high” or “low” in terms of frequency. High energy expands, while low energy contracts. You may sometimes see this referred to as light, or dark, and positive or negative, but in this sense, high and low does not necessarily mean one is good, or bad.
Typically, both high and low energy behave according to the Law of Resonance. In the simplest of terms, this means, like attracts like. Low energy attracts to itself other low forms of energy, and experiences. High energy attracts other high qualities of energy. Again, like attracts like.
As our physical body is made of energy, we ourselves also take on either a high, or low personal frequency. Acting within the Law of Resonance, our own personal vibration, whether high or low, becomes dependent upon the types of energy we consume, and surround ourselves with on a daily basis. This includes the quality of our nutrition, the thoughts we think, words we speak, the things we see, the people we associate with, and the actions we take. High vibrational energy strengthens our energetic body. Low vibrational energy weakens our energetic body. By purposefully surrounding ourselves with high vibrational energy, we become resonant to those higher vibrations, and begin attracting higher frequencies, and more pleasing experiences, and people into our lives.
Core Concept #4
You are responsible for the type of energy you choose to extend, and express. Whether high, or low, the energy you put out will always be returned to you.
Similar to a boomerang, whatever type of energy we put out, that same quality of energy, high or low, will be returned to us. This is what is meant by the proverb “you reap what you sow,” and “what goes around, comes around.” Referred to as karma, or karmic return, this is a function of energetic law, specifically the Law of Cause and Effect, and it can not be escaped. Intended to act as a teaching mechanism, sooner or later, you will face your own karma. Everything will eventually be accounted for, in this life, or the next. This includes karma that is incurred during gameplay, and competition through negative, or hateful mindsets, and unsportsmanlike conduct directed at other teams, coaches, players, or fans.
The Law of Cause and Effect
Our thoughts, and actions determine the types of results we experience. This is based on the quality of energy we choose to feel, or act upon; High, or low. Positive, or negative. Love, or fear.
- High, positive, and loving thoughts, actions, and intentions bring positive, and loving results.
- Low, negative, and fear-based thoughts, actions, and intentions bring negative, and fear-based results.
Treat others as you yourself want to be treated. By adopting a lifestyle that is characterized by sportsmanship, on and off the playing field, we can begin to greatly lessen our karmic load. This is called Karmic Management. Karmic Management is a major part of overall Energy Management. As we become more aware, and hold ourselves accountable for our thoughts, and actions, we cease in amassing new negative karma. This enables us to avoid, and alleviate karma-induced failures, and injury during practice, and gameplay. Remember, karma is only unpleasant if you are, first.
The Law of Magnetism
Our mindset determines the quality of our results, and experiences.
If you think you can, you probably will. If you think you can’t, you certainly won’t. A winning mindset makes all the difference because energy follows thought. Not to be confused with delusion, in order to create positive, and winning outcomes, you must first believe that you can. Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. What you think you are, you will be. Choose to think like a can-do winner.
The Law of Magnetism also teaches us that you attract what you already are. If you are a sour person, you are going to attract sour experiences, and people to you. If you are a happy person, who develops a winning attitude, you will attract happy, winning experiences, and people into your reality. Your attitude, and behavior dictate everything you will experience in your lifetime. Be now what you want for yourself in the future.
Core Concept #5
There is both a physical game, and an energetic game being played during any type of sporting event, match, or competition.
Just as you have a physical body, and an energetic body, during competition, there is both a physical game, and an energetic game taking place, simultaneously. Again, one seen, and one unseen.
An easy way to think of this is as an energetic game of Tug of War that occurs in the unseen. When two teams, or individuals, are competing against each other, whoever can pull the energy in their favor [the most] will win. Although having a high level of physical skill always helps, the ability to swing energy in your own favor, creating momentum, is how underdogs, and beginners are able to miraculously triumph against great odds, again, and again. Energy trumps odds all the time. When you can get the energy working for you, the physical will follow suit. Win the energetic game, and you'll also win the physical game.
Putting It Into Practice
These five basic concepts serve as the foundation for all future energy management lessons. As with learning anything new, it is important to master the basics before moving forward. As you take responsibility for your own energy, it is up to you to ensure the quality, and stability of your own foundation. Having a strong foundational understanding of these core energy concepts is the first step toward actualizing your highest potential, both on and off the field.
Think on it
As you get familiar with these core concepts, also take some time to think about the quality of energy you yourself are ingesting, and surrounding yourself with on a daily basis. Without applying judgement, or shame, ask yourself, are there any areas where you may benefit from making some changes? Notice if your subconscious pushes anything particular into the forefront of your mind. Be honest with yourself, and trust your intuition. You intuition will lead you towards your highest energetic path.
Control the energy. Control the game