Lesson 3: Connect to Your Energetic Body
As we learned in Lesson 1, you have both a physical body, and an energetic body.
While our physical body is made of seen energy, and visible to the naked eye, our energetic body remains unseen to most people. You may hear this referred to as the human energy field, aura, or lightbody. Although it goes unseen by our eyes, our physical, and energetic bodies are intricately connected. Each affects the health, and performance of the other.

“Your body is a temple.” Your physical, and energetic body are two parts of one structure. Just like a house, this structure must be maintained. If your structure is weak, you are much more susceptible to errors, and injury during gameplay.
However, it is possible to learn how to sense, strengthen, and fortify your energetic body in order to build, and repair your structure. With practice, your energetic “house” can naturally repel curses, and harmful forces, just like a fortress, or castle defends itself against an enemy.
The first step to repairing your Energetic Body, is learning how to connect to it. To do this, all you need to do is use your imagination. Remember, energy follows thought.
How to Connect to Your Energetic Body
- Close your eyes, and take a few easy breaths in, and out through your nose, at a natural pace.
- Allow your body to relax. Relax your shoulders. Relax your jaw, and face.
- As you continue to breathe, use your imagination to see a spark of pale blue light glowing softly in the area of your heart space, like a pilot light on a gas stove.
- As you observe this light, see the small spark beginning to grow, slowly becoming a glowing ball of light stationed inside of your chest cavity, and rib cage. Pause for a moment, and feel this ball of light glowing softly around your heart.
- When you are ready, allow the ball of light to expand even further, like a big bubble. Following your out breath, let the light gently encompass your entire body, fully, in 360 degree fashion. This includes the space above your head, and below your feet, with your spine serving as the center point. This may happen gradually, or it may happen instantly. Either way is correct. See yourself fully contained, and sealed safely inside the light structure.
- This bubble of light is your energetic body. It is a structure that holds energy, like a vessel.
- Repeat this exercise to solidify your connection to your energetic body.
As you begin to get comfortable inside your bubble, you may begin to feel it move, or spin. Your bubble may appear to your Inner Vision as clear, or goldish in hue, but it can be any color. It may even appear to be many colors, like the rainbow gleam of a soap bubble. There are no wrong answers. Just like a fingerprint, everyone's energetic body is unique. Simply observe what you feel, or sense.
Feeling and sensing are how we see without our eyes. As it comes online more and more, your bubble may change, and look or feel differently. You may find it helpful to writing down any sensations you experience to track your progress. As you place focus on your energetic body daily, you will naturally become more connected to it. As this energetic connection is strengthened, your mind, and physical body will strengthen as well.
Control the energy. Control the game.
NEXT: Lesson 4: Energetic Rights
*Every lesson builds upon the previous lesson. If this lesson is confusing, or does not yet make sense to you, review the previous lessons, and then re-approach the new material.